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Meme's By Me 1.3
Pure Inspiration
Positive reinforcement in an app!Understand that the brain is susceptible to conditioning. Memesaffect your conscious and subconscious mind. By consciouslyrepeating certain memes, you can influence your mind in a positiveway.This app gives you partial control of which memes you areexposed to; thus giving you control over your own image. It'sperfect for those who struggle with self-esteem or self-confidenceissues. But in actuality, anyone can use it.Positive memes can help you replace a negative thought with amore helpful positive one. Without realizing it you tell yourselfnegative things constantly. By using the power of positiveaffirmations and by repeating them you can re-condition your brainand change how you feel and think about any situation.It is recommended to repeat memes at least 40 times daily (onceevery 30 mins) for 40 days. It takes 40 days to impress upon theunconscious "reacting" mind all that you desire and dream. Then itbecomes automatic behavior in the conscious "acting" mind.Check out other great apps from Pure Inspiration:Lazy Fans (random inspirational messages):http://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.pureinspiration.lazyfans2Find My Phone (phone tracker):http://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.pureinspiration.phonelocator2What's The Numbers (lottery tracker):http://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.pureinspiration.lotteryassistant2Awkward Elevator (funny pics/tweets):http://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.pureinspiration.awkwardelevatorCheck Us out on the web: http://pureinspiration.no-ip.biz/FOLLOW us on Instagram: http://instagram.com/pureinspFOLLOW us on Twitter: http://twitter.com/pureinspLIKE Us on Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/purelyinspiration
Lazy Fans 1.8
Pure Inspiration
This app is all about inspirationalmessages.It shows (randomly) you a new message daily (at a time youspecify,defaults to 8:00 AM). You can change how often a message isdisplay(from daily to weekly and everything in between). You canalsochange what type of messages are shown, including bible quotesandlegendary hip-hop quotes. Upon closing the message, you'll seeavideo message from our sponsors. We appreciate your support.Thanks:)Check out other great apps from Pure Inspiration:Find My Phone (phonetracker):http://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.pureinspiration.phonelocator2What's The Numbers (lotterytracker):http://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.pureinspiration.lotteryassistant2Awkward Elevator (funnypics/tweets):http://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.pureinspiration.awkwardelevatorMeme's By Me (positiveaffirmations):http://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.pureinspiration.memesCheck Us out on the web: http://pureinspiration.no-ip.biz/FOLLOW us on Instagram: http://instagram.com/pureinspFOLLOW us on Twitter: http://twitter.com/pureinspLIKE Us on Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/purelyinspiration
Awkward Elevator 1.4
Pure Inspiration
The perfect app for those awkward momentsinthe elevator, or anywhere. Don't you hate being in an elevatorwithcomplete strangers? It's awkward because no one ever saysanything,and there's nowhere to look without staring at a stranger.So whenthere's complete awkward silence in your area, open up thisapp fora quick laugh. They'll want to know what you're laughing at.Offers the choice between funny pictures from failblog, orfunnytweets with the hashtag #ThatAwkwardMomentWhen.Check out other great apps from Pure Inspiration:Lazy Fans (random inspirationalmessages):http://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.pureinspiration.lazyfans2Find My Phone (phonetracker):http://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.pureinspiration.phonelocator2What's The Numbers (lotterytracker):http://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.pureinspiration.lotteryassistant2Meme's By Me (positiveaffirmations):http://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.pureinspiration.memesCheck Us out on the web: http://pureinspiration.no-ip.biz/FOLLOW us on Instagram: http://instagram.com/pureinspFOLLOW us on Twitter: http://twitter.com/pureinspLIKE Us on Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/purelyinspiration
Find My Phone 1.4
Pure Inspiration
NEVER LOSE YOUR PHONE AGAIN!!Pure Inspiration brings you Find My Phone.It's very easy to use. You just set it and forget it. Sign up withavalid email address and you can easily track your phone in caseofan emergency. If ever your phone is lost, simply text yourphonewith the phonecode provided (in app & emailed to you), andyourphone's latest locations will be sent to you. You will alsoreceivelocation updates for the next 12 hours, in case you REALLYneed totrack your phone.This App has two versions, regular & premium. Premiumusershave an ad-free interface & all of their location updatesarebacked up in the cloud, so erasing their phone won'tcompletelythwart the location process. Regular users have to bequick andlucky to catch the thief before they have a chance to wipetheirphone. Choose wisely!Use Case: Phone Stolen (Normal User)-you need to act quickly, before your phone and all it's dataiserased-send the emergency text code to your phone and the app willsendall logged locations, and will start to track thethief'slocationUse Case: Phone Stolen (Premium User)-still need to act quickly, but if your phone is erased, youstillhave a chance of finding it-all your location data is safely backed up in the cloud (oursecureservers)-just email the developer (link below) with your phonecode,andwe'll send all your location data-if phone data in tact, the app will still track thethief'slocationThis app will only work if your settings are properly set,soPLEASE PLEASE PLEASE ensure your location settings arecorrectbefore losing your phone (GPS preferred, but Network isfine).Also, if you ever change your location settings this appwillperiodically remind you to re-enable it.AND THAT's IT!! No further action is needed.---FYI---*TEST YOUR APP!! Let it run for a day or so, then send theemergencytext code. Track your phone for a little while, then sendthe stopemergency text code. This way YOU KNOW your phone willbetracked*A lot can happen between location logging intervals (ondevice& in the cloud), so please act quickly!---Emergency Text Format---(START TRACKING):#*LOCATE + [your phone code] + *#example: #*LOCATE123456789*# (123456789 is your phone code)simply text #*LOCATE123456789*# to your phone oremail the developer with your phone code (if premium)(STOP TRACKING):#*STOP + [your phone code] + *#example: #*STOP123456789*# (123456789 is your phone code)simply text #*LOCATE123456789*# to your phone to stopemailupdatesCheck out other great apps from Pure Inspiration:Lazy Fans (random inspirationalmessages):http://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.pureinspiration.lazyfans2What's The Numbers (lotterytracker):http://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.pureinspiration.lotteryassistant2Awkward Elevator (funnypics/tweets):http://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.pureinspiration.awkwardelevatorMeme's By Me (positiveaffirmations):http://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.pureinspiration.memesCheck Us out on the web: http://pureinspiration.no-ip.biz/FOLLOW us on Instagram: http://instagram.com/pureinspFOLLOW us on Twitter: http://twitter.com/pureinspLIKE Us on Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/purelyinspiration